Spring is truly upon us and I am so lucky to have these woods & meadows on my doorstep where I can go and explore daily if I so wish.
What was great fun this time around is that I finally feel more comfortable with the settings on my Fujifilm X-T10, I now tend to shoot in aperture and it is very easy to tweak when needed as well as to adjust exposure and ISO. Quite pleased with the bokeh & DoF but plenty to still discover and learn.
This walk was late in the afternoon so approaching golden hour and very few people about, I could hear the blackbirds, robins and the odd schreek from the green parrots and the squirrels and foxes were darting about in the undergrowth (need to invest in a zoom for this). It almost felt like I was in a fairytale and that a Disney princess would suddenly appear amongst the animals and flowers in the golden light.