So my new toy Fujifilm X-t10 arrived and I have to say, it has been great fun to get to know this sleek and lightweight addition to my gear. Initially I felt lost as all of the dials and settings were different and frankly, the electronic viewfinder first made me feel a bit nauseous but that quickly went away after I hade tweaked the viewfinder sharpness.
I can't get over how light and small it is compared to my Nikon and how well it works in a street photography setting, it doesn't draw any attention to you and it is super sharp.
Polished in Leadenhall Market
I also find that you can easily 'shoot from the hip' and it comes out surprisingly sharp, in addition the exposure compensation is really powerful and I have played some with the shutter speed but yet to delve deeper into the aperture as that works a bit differently.
Man and his pooch in Greenwich
The colours come out beautifully and to my pleasant surprise this little beast competes really well with the architecture, lowlight and landscape captures as well.
Dawn stroll across London Bridge
Melford Hall, Long Melford -Suffolk
The only couple of drawbacks I have found so far are that the battery only lasts for roughly 300 captures (but a spare or two doesn't cost that much) and the lenses are very expensive so I will try to get a converter and see if the Nikon primes I have will work sufficiently. Possibly also the DoF but then I need to experiment more and get to know the aperture settings further before I can really make a call on that.
Hey ho, hey ho, off to work we go - Bishopsgate, London